Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Management Theory and Practice Social Organisations

Question: Discuss about theManagement Theory and Practicefor Social Organisations. Answer: Introduction Managing is an activity which is very important in every humans life. This quality of human has been seen in every humans life from the time they have been associated with social organisations whether directly or indirectly. Managing has shown how humans coordinate with different individual efforts. We all know that in the society every aspect of social life is associated with management. Society is a thing which is continuously dependent on the group of people and their activities. So, when any group is involved in any work then the first thing which is needed is managing them. Here comes the emergence of management. Management Theory and Practice Management is not only a subject but it is something which is not only indulged in office work or industrial work. It is also associated with all other activities around the world. It has many theories involved in it. Hence, management theories are a collection of different ideas which are set forth in general ideas on how a business or organisation can be managed. Management theories include the idea that shows how supervisors and managers can connect to their organisations and firm to complete their goals towards their company. It also shows how they are able to implement their ideas and ethics for the betterment of the organisation. It has been seen that management theories help them to accomplish goals by motivating the employees to perform according to their highest standards. Frederick Taylor had made a scientific theory for management. As told earlier management is a part of human life from a long time as early as the 1700s. There have been some major changes during the 20th century. According to this theory, the first motto of management is to understand the process of work scientifically. In the practice of this theory, it was first seen how the work was done and then how this affected the working of the people around. Taylor's philosophy was that it is not about how hard people are working but then how the work could be done in a proper way so that the workers are also not exploited ("Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management", 2016). In 1909, Federick Taylor published The Principles of Scientific Management. In this theory, he explained how with proper optimization and simplification in the work a goal could be achieved to bring about prosperity in the company. He also included the idea that the manager and worker have to work in a cooperative manner. Earlier the manager did not have much intimacy with the workers like they have now. A factory manager had very less contact with the workers at that time. There was no standardization of work at that time. There was no motivation given to the workers. The workers motivation was always considered to be his employment. There were no incentives also for any extra work or achievements to motivate them ("Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management", 2016). The principles of Federick Taylor which are applicable to every organization are replace work rule of thumb" instead use the scientific method, workers should simply assign work and if they do not know the work then they should be given proper training of the work they are about to do. Work performance should be monitored and proper supervision on the work ("Taylors scientific management concept and his contributions", 2013). Maslows Hierarchy is also another theory which is directly not a part of management but very much effective in the case of management. According to this hierarchy, the most fundamental needs are given in the bottom and self-actualization at the top. The basic four layers of the hierarchy include the basic needs. These were termed as deficiency needs or d-needs by Maslow. If these needs were not satisfied by the human then they become anxious and tensed. Mow low declared there are certain needs which dominate human organism. So due unsatisfactory wishes in life people tend to lose hope and happiness in life ("MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS", 2016). William Edwards Deming is one of the leading management thinkers of the 19th and the 20th century. He was a business consultant and statistician who helped in the process of recovery of Japan after the Second World War. According to his method at first, there should be a proper discussion and plan between the individual and the organisation ("W Edwards Deming: Total Quality Management Thinker", 2016). Deming had put forth fourteen points for his theory which are applicable to every organization which helps to create a consistency and constancy in business with a competitive aim to stay in the business and provide jobs, there should always be the adoption of new philosophies, dependence on mass inspection should be ceased, the process of awarding business based on price tags should be stopped instead the total cost should be decreased, training and retraining institutes should be there in the firm, there should be improved processes and less wastage, there should be the policy of helping people towards a better job, there should not be any sort of fear in the minds of the people working in the firm, all the members of the company should have proper coordination and communication with each other, there should not be any barrier, there should not be targets or any sort of slogans for the target, there should not be barriers to the pride of workmanship, there should be proper retraini ng and education program for the managers and the workers, management and the workforce should have proper communication; and there should not be any numerical quotas ("Demings 14 points", 2016). Conclusion So, from the above report we see that management is not only managing people but also about motivation and encouragement. The workers are of great priority for the firm. This thing should be there in the firm. They should not be exploited. They should be given a proper amount for their hard work. If there comes a situation in the workers that they are not being to cope with the work then they should be given proper training. The managing committee should have proper communication with the workers. If all the theories are applied properly then there shall be prosperity in the business. References Demings 14 points. (2016).Hci. Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management. (2016).Understanding Taylorism and Early Management Theory. Retrieved 5 December 2016, from Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs(2016).Learning theories. Retrieved 5 December 2016, from Taylors scientific management concept and his contributions. (2013).Reference Notes. Retrieved 5 December 2016, from W Edwards Deming: Total Quality Management Thinker. (2016).Management Business studies portal. Retrieved 5 December 2016, from

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