Monday, May 18, 2020

Galanz Case. Operations Management Analysis - 2311 Words

Assessment 1 galanz paper: Operations management September 19, 2011 TABLE OF CONTENT ORDER QUALIFYING FACTORS 4 ORDER WINNING FACTORS 4 PRIORITISED VOB VOC OF GALANZ: 5 THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY 6 COMPETITIVE AND OPERATION STRATEGIES 6 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN OEM/ODM AND OBM 7 GALANZ’S STRATEGY OF INTRODUCING OBM IN INTERNATIONAL MARKET 8 SUGGESTIONS FOR MR. LIANG TO LEAD THE COMPANY TO GREAT SUCCESS 9 ORDER QUALIFYING FACTORS âÅ"“ Familiarity with Chinese market In 1991, Liang Senior analysed the Chinese consumer market for a year and sensed that the rapid growth of the†¦show more content†¦But still they relied on OEM strategy in order to increase their revenue. By 2003, Galanz’s primary exports were OEM microwave ovens, which had no brand recognition. The globalization was causing fierce competition among MNC’s which pushed Galanz into new markets and branded products. Few years later, Galanz recognized that their products were acknowledged for low cost and good quality where the OBM strategy was started to be brought in with the help of overseas RD centres. Furthermore they started expanding their own OBM sales by cutting down OEM orders. THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY Galanz was successful because of its low price strategy this was possible because it acquired the production lines from other companies. Galanz increased production (product quality and production scale) through a free production line transfer, assembly technology , part customization, production site improvement, training for Galanz’s operators and staff (from Fillony, Toshiba, Sanyo, Whirlpool, GE, SEB, DeLonghi) and used the excess capacity to produce microwaves under its brand name for the domestic market. When companies like Toshiba and Panasonic refused to offer enough magnetrons to Galanz, Galanz decided to invest in RD to create their own design for theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Operation Strategy at Galanz4194 Words   |  17 PagesS w 8B10D05 Teaching Note OPERATIONS STRATEGY AT GALANZ Dr. Kokin Lam and Professor Xiande Zhao wrote this teaching note as an aid to instructors in the classroom use of the case Operations Strategy at Galanz, No. 9B10D005. This teaching note should not be used in any way that would prejudice the future use of the case. Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation prohibits any form of reproduction, storage or transmission without its written permission. Reproduction of this materialRead MoreGalanz Case Study3390 Words   |  14 PagesOperations Strategy at Galanz --------------------------------------------- Operations Management Introduction The aim of this case study is to analyze the operation strategy of Galanz and asses the potential growth opportunities for Galanz in the future in a global environment. Galanz Gorup based in China was established in 1978 to offer microwave oven, air conditioners and other household appliances (Galanz, 2011). It is a multinational company operating in more than 100Read MorePom 651 Syllabus Tues Class Updated.Docx1245 Words   |  5 PagesMASSACHUSETTS DARTMOUTH Charlton College of Business COURSE : POM 651/01 ADVANCED OPERATIONS ANALYSIS – Spring 2013 PREREQUISITES : Completion of foundation courses INSTRUCTOR : Brian Plummer; Vice President of Mfg, Cadence, Inc. MBA, BSEE, Office: Tel: (401) 441 1534, E-mail: Office Hours: by appt. 1. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers techniques used in analysis and improvement of the value-adding activities of an organization. Customer valueRead MoreSamsung Marketing11795 Words   |  48 PagesJOHN QUELCH ANNA HARRINGTON Samsung Electronics Company: Global Marketing Operations Company Background and Strategy The Samsung conglomerate’s roots dated back to 1938 when the company produced agricultural products. In the 1970s, the company focused on shipbuilding, chemicals, and textiles. Samsung Electronics Company (SEC)2 was founded in 1969, primarily as a low-cost manufacturer of black and white televisions. In the 1970s, Samsung acquired a semiconductor business, thereby setting

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