Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Choosing Essay Topics For the 2020 Commonwealth Competition

Choosing Essay Topics For the 2020 Commonwealth CompetitionLast year I was lucky enough to win a Commonwealth essay competition, and this year I am doing my best to beat that record. And why not? The subject is really interesting.This year's Commonwealth competition will start at the end of February and run through until the beginning of March. As with previous years, essay topics for the competition cover a wide range of things, including economics, social science, literature, philosophy, history, current affairs, etc.Judging for the Commonwealth essay competition is pretty simple: most people are judging based on the composition of the essay. However, I have seen some people judging based on the authors' teaching experience, or the degree of involvement in their community. While I don't feel that it's fair to evaluate someone based on their teaching experience, I have heard of people being unfairly penalized for their participation in the community.My overall advice for choosing es say topics for the Commonwealth essay competition is to write as much as you can about the subjects you feel strongly about. If you don't write anything else about those subjects, it's easy to get bored or frustrated. Writing about these subjects will also make you think more about them, which will in turn increase your enjoyment. It might even be a good idea to research your topic a little before the writing begins, just to familiarize yourself with it.A common strategy I've heard for picking essay topics for the Commonwealth essay competition is to choose an area that you've never written about before. If you have no prior knowledge of this topic, it will be difficult to come up with an engaging topic, but it will still be worthwhile for judging purposes. If you know what you're getting into, though, it might be a good idea to explore this topic before actually starting the project.It's also important to keep your thinking fluid and to keep it simple. No matter how good the materi al is, if you spend the entire essay trying to figure out the meaning of a word or how to make a point you will not be writing well. Be clear and simple.In addition to knowing what to write about, you also need to know what to avoid when researching the topics for the Commonwealth essay competition. Just like with any major writing assignment, take the time to read up on the topic. You don't want to waste your time or the time of your judges by researching material that is irrelevant or offensive.Finally, don't be afraid to revise your Commonwealth essay from time to time. Make sure you don't get too caught up in the project, so you don't miss anything important. If you find that you need to go back and fix something, take the time to try to fix it.

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